Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Sleeve tattoos are pieces of body art that's performed on the limbs of the body and tend to wrap around the limb in a sleeve-like fashion. Done in 3 different ways: quarter sleeve, half sleeve and full sleeve, this type of tattoo is now one of the most popular types of body art performed.

Sleeve Tattoo Designs - Tribal, Japanese and Dragon Tattoos Around Your Arms Or Legs
Sleeve tattoos, like every other type of tattoo tend to have their most prominent and most common types of designs. For example: Tribal, Japanese and Dragon sleeve tattoos are constantly requested in tattoo parlours throughout the world.


Sleeve Tattoo Designs - Tribal, Japanese and Dragon Tattoos Around Your Arms Or Legs
Tribal, Japanese and Dragon tattoo designs generally have a very artistic and spiritual look and appeal to the tattoo and are therefore very popular among male tattoo enthusiasts. Females who enjoy getting tattoos rendered tend to go for more feminine artwork, such as flowers and animal sleeve tattoos.


Sleeve Tattoo Designs - Tribal, Japanese and Dragon Tattoos Around Your Arms Or Legs
As with any piece of permanent body art, sleeve tattoos cannot be removed without using an extremely invasive procedure that will damage the skin for the rest of your life, leaving ugly scars. This is why I advise spending as long as you possibly can, looking and considering different and original tattoo designs. The best piece of advice I can give you is to not go for a generic design that you know thousands of other people already have.

Fallen Angel Tattoo

fallen angel tattoo


Sleeve Tattoo Designs - Tribal, Japanese and Dragon Tattoos Around Your Arms Or Legs
There are a few really good tattoo galleries on the internet that contain thousands of different pieces of original artwork that you probably haven't ever seen before. The beauty of these websites, is that you can simply print out the design you like the most and take it straight to your tattooist.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sexy Girls Chest Tattoo Pictures

girl tattooSexy Girl Chest Tattoo Design

woman tattooSexy Girl Chest Tattoo Picture

The majority of the women will finish looking to the top a group of generic tattooing of trunk female on the Web. Anyhow hard the majority of the people test, they always finish to the top with the speed reading by the bottom-of-the-range galleries, which do not have anything but by the drawing-model and not much of another credits to be offered. This occurs for a specific reason and it can be avoided for the majority. I will tell you a good manners to discover the galleries of tattooing of quality to obtain there a catch of great tattooing of trunk female.

Tribal Back Tattoo Design and Art

tattoo galleryJapanese Tribal Back Tattoo Design and Art

tattoo FrancescoJapanese Tribal Back Tattoo Design and Art

Back tattooing of tribal make a return very impressing lately, with tribal designs for other parts of the body. These designs had one period of back of popularity in the middle of last century, but took a little a bench since then postpones. Since the last decade of the previous century, tribal tattooing of all the types were back of mode still.

Beautiful Lower Back Butterfly Tattoo

Beautiful Lower Back Butterfly Tattoo 1427

Dragon Tatoo - Japanese Back Tattoos

Dragon Tatoo - Japanese Back Tattoos

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Japanese Koi Tattoo Art - Arm Tatoo

Dragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Japanese Tattoo StyleDragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Japanese Tattoo StyleDragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Japanese Tattoo StyleDragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Japanese Tattoo StyleDragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Japanese Tattoo StyleDragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Sexy Girl with Dragon Japanese Tattoo Style

King Tattoo Design

King Tattoo Design

King Tattoo DesignKing Tattoo Design # 1

King Tattoo Design